| Balcony Level 306 ● Balcony  Row 17 | 2 tickets $91.00/ea$114.66/eaincl $23.66 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 322 ● Balcony  Row 13 | 2 tickets $95.00/ea$119.70/eaincl $24.70 service feeFace Value: $109.50 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 308 ● Balcony  Row 18 | 2 tickets $97.00/ea$122.22/eaincl $25.22 service feeFace Value: $98.75 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 322 ● Balcony  Row 17 | 1 ticket $97.00/ea$122.22/eaincl $25.22 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 301 ● Balcony  Row 5 | 2 tickets $98.00/ea$123.48/eaincl $25.48 service feeFace Value: $109.50 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 307 ● Balcony  Row 10 | 2 tickets $98.00/ea$123.48/eaincl $25.48 service feeFace Value: $98.75 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 323 ● Balcony  Row 7 | 1 ticket $98.00/ea$123.48/eaincl $25.48 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 103 ● Lower  Row 31 | 1-3 tickets $99.00/ea$124.74/eaincl $25.74 service feeFace Value: $121.17 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 307 ● Balcony  Row 7 | 1 ticket $100.00/ea$126.00/eaincl $26.00 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 322 ● Balcony  Row 11 | 2 tickets $104.00/ea$131.04/eaincl $27.04 service feeFace Value: $109.50 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 301 ● Balcony  Row 15 | 2 tickets $105.00/ea$132.30/eaincl $27.30 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 301 ● Balcony  Row 5 | 2 tickets $105.00/ea$132.30/eaincl $27.30 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 304 ● Balcony  Row 6 | 2 tickets $108.00/ea$136.08/eaincl $28.08 service feeFace Value: $120.00 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 306 ● Balcony  Row 16 | 2 tickets $113.00/ea$142.38/eaincl $29.38 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 303 ● Balcony  Row 5 | 1-3 tickets $114.00/ea$143.64/eaincl $29.64 service feeFace Value: $120.00 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 309 ● Balcony  Row 5 | 2 tickets $117.00/ea$147.42/eaincl $30.42 service feeFace Value: $120.00 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 320 ● Balcony  Row 11 | 2 tickets $117.00/ea$147.42/eaincl $30.42 service feeFace Value: $81.48 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 324 ● Balcony  Row 17 | 2 tickets $117.00/ea$147.42/eaincl $30.42 service feeFace Value: $107.10 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 305 ● Balcony  Row 14 | 1-3 tickets $119.00/ea$149.94/eaincl $30.94 service feeFace Value: $51.64 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 105 ● Lower  Row 28 | 2 tickets $120.00/ea$151.20/eaincl $31.20 service feeFace Value: $95.44 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 101 ● Lower  Row 28 | 1-4 tickets $123.00/ea$154.98/eaincl $31.98 service feeFace Value: $95.51 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 307 ● Balcony  Row 5 | 1 ticket $123.00/ea$154.98/eaincl $31.98 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 323 ● Balcony  Row 15 | 1 ticket $124.00/ea$156.24/eaincl $32.24 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 324 ● Balcony  Row 16 | 1 ticket $124.00/ea$156.24/eaincl $32.24 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 104 ● Lower  Row 30 | 1-4 tickets $126.00/ea$158.76/eaincl $32.76 service feeFace Value: $85.14 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 323 ● Balcony  Row 12 | 1 ticket $127.00/ea$160.02/eaincl $33.02 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 122 ● Lower  Row 28 | 1-8 tickets $128.00/ea$161.28/eaincl $33.28 service feeFace Value: $95.29 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 323 ● Balcony  Row 12 | 2-4 tickets $128.00/ea$161.28/eaincl $33.28 service feeFace Value: $93.75 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 306 ● Balcony  Row 14 | 1 ticket $129.00/ea$162.54/eaincl $33.54 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 320 ● Balcony  Row 10 | 2 tickets $129.00/ea$162.54/eaincl $33.54 service feeFace Value: $81.48 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 102 ● Lower  Row 30 | 2 tickets $133.00/ea$167.58/eaincl $34.58 service feeFace Value: $131.75 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 102 ● Lower  Row 31 | 2-4 tickets $144.00/ea$181.44/eaincl $37.44 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 323 ● Balcony  Row 4 | 1 ticket $144.00/ea$181.44/eaincl $37.44 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 320 ● Balcony  Row 14 | 2 tickets $146.00/ea$183.96/eaincl $37.96 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 323 ● Balcony  Row 16 | 2 tickets $151.00/ea$190.26/eaincl $39.26 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 309 ● Balcony  Row 7 | 2 tickets $152.00/ea$191.52/eaincl $39.52 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 308 ● Balcony  Row 4 | 2 tickets $153.00/ea$192.78/eaincl $39.78 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 102 ● Lower  Row 26 | 1 ticket $163.00/ea$205.38/eaincl $42.38 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 101 ● Lower  Row 25 | 1 ticket $165.00/ea$207.90/eaincl $42.90 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 121 ● Lower  Row 15 | 2 tickets $165.00/ea$207.90/eaincl $42.90 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 118 ● Lower  Row 11 | 1 ticket $167.00/ea$210.42/eaincl $43.42 service feeFace Value: $118.00 Electronic Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: PW: Redbulldemand76! @GTDISCOUNT[10] TMX Smartphone Entry XFER XFER otod Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 107 ● Lower  Row 1 | 1 ticket $168.00/ea$211.68/eaincl $43.68 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 104 ● Lower  Row 20 | 2 tickets $171.00/ea$215.46/eaincl $44.46 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor B ● Floor  Row 8 | 1-8 tickets $175.00/ea$220.50/eaincl $45.50 service feeFace Value: $220.25 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 309 ● Balcony  Row 2W | 2 tickets $175.00/ea$220.50/eaincl $45.50 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 117 ● Lower  Row 28 | 2 tickets $176.00/ea$221.76/eaincl $45.76 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Side view. Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 310 ● Balcony  Row 3 | 2 tickets $176.00/ea$221.76/eaincl $45.76 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor H ● Floor  Row 11 | 2 tickets $185.00/ea$233.10/eaincl $48.10 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 104 ● Lower  Row 28 | 2 tickets $185.00/ea$233.10/eaincl $48.10 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor J ● Floor  Row 2 | 1-6 tickets $187.00/ea$235.62/eaincl $48.62 service feeFace Value: $220.25 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 322 ● Balcony  Row 13 | 2 tickets $189.00/ea$238.14/eaincl $49.14 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 102 ● Lower  Row 31 | 3-3 tickets $191.00/ea$240.66/eaincl $49.66 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 105 ● Lower  Row 11 | 2 tickets $191.00/ea$240.66/eaincl $49.66 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 122 ● Lower  Row 9 | 1 ticket $193.00/ea$243.18/eaincl $50.18 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 301 ● Balcony  Row 5 | 2 tickets $193.00/ea$243.18/eaincl $50.18 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 119 ● Lower  Row 5 | 2 tickets $195.00/ea$245.70/eaincl $50.70 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 307 ● Balcony  Row 5 | 2 tickets $195.00/ea$245.70/eaincl $50.70 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 308 ● Balcony  Row 18 | 2 tickets $195.00/ea$245.70/eaincl $50.70 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 110 ● Lower  Row 25 | 1-4 tickets $197.00/ea$248.22/eaincl $51.22 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Side view. Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 120 ● Lower  Row 26 | 2 tickets $198.00/ea$249.48/eaincl $51.48 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor G ● Floor  Row 5 | 1-3 tickets $199.00/ea$250.74/eaincl $51.74 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor G ● Floor  Row 5 | 1-5 tickets $199.00/ea$250.74/eaincl $51.74 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 119 ● Lower  Row 28 | 1 ticket $200.00/ea$252.00/eaincl $52.00 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor G ● Floor  Row 10 | 2 tickets $201.00/ea$253.26/eaincl $52.26 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor H ● Floor  Row 10 | 2 tickets $203.00/ea$255.78/eaincl $52.78 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 117 ● Lower  Row 27 | 2 tickets $203.00/ea$255.78/eaincl $52.78 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: LIMITED VIEW. Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 120 ● Lower  Row 16 | 2 tickets $206.00/ea$259.56/eaincl $53.56 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor H ● Floor  Row 7 | 1 ticket $209.00/ea$263.34/eaincl $54.34 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 307 ● Balcony  Row 10 | 2 tickets $209.00/ea$263.34/eaincl $54.34 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 322 ● Balcony  Row 11 | 2 tickets $209.00/ea$263.34/eaincl $54.34 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor H ● Floor  Row 8 | 1 ticket $213.00/ea$268.38/eaincl $55.38 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor H ● Floor  Row 9 | 2 tickets $213.00/ea$268.38/eaincl $55.38 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor G ● Floor  Row 9 | 2 tickets $213.00/ea$268.38/eaincl $55.38 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor G ● Floor  Row 7 | 1 ticket $213.00/ea$268.38/eaincl $55.38 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 106 ● Lower  Row 4 | 1 ticket $213.00/ea$268.38/eaincl $55.38 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 107 ● Lower  Row 12 | 1 ticket $213.00/ea$268.38/eaincl $55.38 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 110 ● Lower  Row 24 | 2 tickets $213.00/ea$268.38/eaincl $55.38 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: LIMITED VIEW. Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 117 ● Lower  Row 12 | 2 tickets $213.00/ea$268.38/eaincl $55.38 service feeFace Value: $82.70 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Limited view. Side view. Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 120 ● Lower  Row 11 | 1 ticket $213.00/ea$268.38/eaincl $55.38 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 121 ● Lower  Row 2 | 1 ticket $213.00/ea$268.38/eaincl $55.38 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor H ● Floor  Row 13 | 1-4 tickets $214.00/ea$269.64/eaincl $55.64 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 306 ● Balcony  Row 9 | 2 tickets $215.00/ea$270.90/eaincl $55.90 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 108 ● Lower  Row 21 | 2 tickets $217.00/ea$273.42/eaincl $56.42 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 309 ● Balcony  Row 16 | 2 tickets $217.00/ea$273.42/eaincl $56.42 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 103 ● Lower  Row 31 | 3-3 tickets $219.00/ea$275.94/eaincl $56.94 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 304 ● Balcony  Row 6 | 2 tickets $224.00/ea$282.24/eaincl $58.24 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 306 ● Balcony  Row 16 | 2 tickets $225.00/ea$283.50/eaincl $58.50 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor G ● Floor  Row 5 | 1-2 tickets $227.00/ea$286.02/eaincl $59.02 service feeFace Value: $227.00 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor H ● Floor  Row 3 | 2 tickets $229.00/ea$288.54/eaincl $59.54 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor H ● Floor  Row 4 | 1 ticket $229.00/ea$288.54/eaincl $59.54 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor J ● Floor  Row 3 | 1 ticket $229.00/ea$288.54/eaincl $59.54 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor G ● Floor  Row 2 | 1 ticket $229.00/ea$288.54/eaincl $59.54 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 107 ● Lower  Row 2 | 1 ticket $229.00/ea$288.54/eaincl $59.54 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 118 ● Lower  Row 15 | 1 ticket $229.00/ea$288.54/eaincl $59.54 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 120 ● Lower  Row 6 | 1 ticket $229.00/ea$288.54/eaincl $59.54 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 301 ● Balcony  Row 5 | 1 ticket $229.00/ea$288.54/eaincl $59.54 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 101 ● Lower  Row 31 | 2 tickets $231.00/ea$291.06/eaincl $60.06 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 320 ● Balcony  Row 11 | 2 tickets $232.00/ea$292.32/eaincl $60.32 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 324 ● Balcony  Row 17 | 2 tickets $235.00/ea$296.10/eaincl $61.10 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor E ● Floor  Row 2 | 2 tickets $237.00/ea$298.62/eaincl $61.62 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 305 ● Balcony  Row 14 | 3-3 tickets $237.00/ea$298.62/eaincl $61.62 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 303 ● Balcony  Row 5 | 3-3 tickets $240.00/ea$302.40/eaincl $62.40 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 103 ● Lower  Row 29 | 2 tickets $244.00/ea$307.44/eaincl $63.44 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 104 ● Lower  Row 29 | 2 tickets $244.00/ea$307.44/eaincl $63.44 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 122 ● Lower  Row 26 | 2 tickets $245.00/ea$308.70/eaincl $63.70 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 107 ● Lower  Row 5 | 2 tickets $246.00/ea$309.96/eaincl $63.96 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 105 ● Lower  Row 28 | 2 tickets $250.00/ea$315.00/eaincl $65.00 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 305 ● Balcony  Row 5 | 1 ticket $250.00/ea$315.00/eaincl $65.00 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 120 ● Lower  Row 5 | 2 tickets $253.00/ea$318.78/eaincl $65.78 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 101 ● Lower  Row 28 | 4-4 tickets $255.00/ea$321.30/eaincl $66.30 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 309 ● Balcony  Row 17 | 2 tickets $255.00/ea$321.30/eaincl $66.30 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 320 ● Balcony  Row 10 | 2 tickets $255.00/ea$321.30/eaincl $66.30 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 323 ● Balcony  Row 1 | 1 ticket $255.00/ea$321.30/eaincl $66.30 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 306 ● Balcony  Row 1 | 1 ticket $256.00/ea$322.56/eaincl $66.56 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 310 ● Balcony  Row 10 | 2 tickets $258.00/ea$325.08/eaincl $67.08 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 323 ● Balcony  Row 12 | 4-4 tickets $258.00/ea$325.08/eaincl $67.08 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 122 ● Lower  Row 28 | 4-4 tickets $262.00/ea$330.12/eaincl $68.12 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor E ● Floor  Row 3 | 1 ticket $265.00/ea$333.90/eaincl $68.90 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor F ● Floor  Row 6 | 1 ticket $265.00/ea$333.90/eaincl $68.90 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor D ● Floor  Row 7 | 1 ticket $265.00/ea$333.90/eaincl $68.90 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 108 ● Lower  Row 10 | 1 ticket $265.00/ea$333.90/eaincl $68.90 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 118 ● Lower  Row 8 | 1 ticket $265.00/ea$333.90/eaincl $68.90 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 119 ● Lower  Row 2 | 1 ticket $265.00/ea$333.90/eaincl $68.90 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 301 ● Balcony  Row 1 | 2 tickets $265.00/ea$333.90/eaincl $68.90 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 105 ● Lower  Row 22 | 2 tickets $266.00/ea$335.16/eaincl $69.16 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 309 ● Balcony  Row 5 | 2 tickets $269.00/ea$338.94/eaincl $69.94 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 102 ● Lower  Row 30 | 2 tickets $270.00/ea$340.20/eaincl $70.20 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor A ● Floor  Row 9 | 1-5 tickets $272.00/ea$342.72/eaincl $70.72 service feeFace Value: $220.25 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 309 ● Balcony  Row 1 | 2 tickets $274.00/ea$345.24/eaincl $71.24 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 305 ● Balcony  Row 2 | 1 ticket $275.00/ea$346.50/eaincl $71.50 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 305 ● Balcony  Row 16 | 1 ticket $275.00/ea$346.50/eaincl $71.50 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 118 ● Lower  Row 1 | 2 tickets $285.00/ea$359.10/eaincl $74.10 service feeFace Value: $353.87 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 105 ● Lower  Row 24 | 4-4 tickets $286.00/ea$360.36/eaincl $74.36 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 321 ● Balcony  Row 13 | 2 tickets $286.00/ea$360.36/eaincl $74.36 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 122 ● Lower  Row 22 | 2 tickets $287.00/ea$361.62/eaincl $74.62 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 106 ● Lower  Row 28 | 2 tickets $289.00/ea$364.14/eaincl $75.14 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor G ● Floor  Row 5 | 1-4 tickets $292.00/ea$367.92/eaincl $75.92 service feeFace Value: $186.25 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 310 ● Balcony  Row 1 | 2 tickets $296.00/ea$372.96/eaincl $76.96 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 122 ● Lower  Row 19 | 1 ticket $306.00/ea$385.56/eaincl $79.56 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 109 ● Lower  Row 3 | 1 ticket $314.00/ea$395.64/eaincl $81.64 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 322 ● Balcony  Row 10 | 3-3 tickets $320.00/ea$403.20/eaincl $83.20 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 321 ● Balcony  Row 8 | 2 tickets $322.00/ea$405.72/eaincl $83.72 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 108 ● Lower  Row 22 | 2 tickets $324.00/ea$408.24/eaincl $84.24 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 121 ● Lower  Row 15 | 2 tickets $324.00/ea$408.24/eaincl $84.24 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 107 ● Lower  Row 5 | 1-4 tickets $335.00/ea$422.10/eaincl $87.10 service feeFace Value: $216.25 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 118 ● Lower  Row 5 | 2 tickets $335.00/ea$422.10/eaincl $87.10 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 104 ● Lower  Row 8 | 2 tickets $339.00/ea$427.14/eaincl $88.14 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 109 ● Lower  Row 1 | 2 tickets $349.00/ea$439.74/eaincl $90.74 service feeFace Value: $356.17 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 109 ● Lower  Row 3 | 2 tickets $352.00/ea$443.52/eaincl $91.52 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 303 ● Balcony  Row 1 | 2 tickets $357.00/ea$449.82/eaincl $92.82 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 320 ● Balcony  Row 10 | 1-4 tickets $365.00/ea$459.90/eaincl $94.90 service feeFace Value: $365.00 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 104 ● Lower  Row 32 | 3-3 tickets $372.00/ea$468.72/eaincl $96.72 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 105 ● Lower  Row 24 | 6-6 tickets $372.00/ea$468.72/eaincl $96.72 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 322 ● Balcony  Row 12 | 2 tickets $372.00/ea$468.72/eaincl $96.72 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 104 ● Lower  Row 22 | 1 ticket $376.00/ea$473.76/eaincl $97.76 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 119 ● Lower  Row 25 | 2 tickets $389.00/ea$490.14/eaincl $101.14 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor B ● Floor  Row 1 | 2 tickets $399.00/ea$502.74/eaincl $103.74 service feeFace Value: $433.94 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Actual 1st row of section. Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Balcony Level 320 ● Balcony  Row 9 | 1-4 tickets $401.00/ea$505.26/eaincl $104.26 service feeFace Value: $401.00 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 105 ● Lower  Row 23 | 1 ticket $413.00/ea$520.38/eaincl $107.38 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor B ● Floor  Row 1 | 2 tickets $422.00/ea$531.72/eaincl $109.72 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 109 ● Lower  Row 2 | 2 tickets $426.00/ea$536.76/eaincl $110.76 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| TS611  Row 1 | 2 tickets $428.00/ea$539.28/eaincl $111.28 service feeFace Value: N/A Electronic Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Actual 1st row of section. VIP entrance included. In-seat wait service. XFER Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 109 ● Lower  Row 15 | 2 tickets $429.00/ea$540.54/eaincl $111.54 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 102 ● Lower  Row 18 | 2 tickets $433.00/ea$545.58/eaincl $112.58 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor A ● Floor  Row 1 | 1-4 tickets $459.00/ea$578.34/eaincl $119.34 service feeFace Value: $501.96 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Actual 1st row of section. Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 109 ● Lower  Row 21 | 2 tickets $464.00/ea$584.64/eaincl $120.64 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor A ● Floor  Row 7 | 1-8 tickets $472.00/ea$594.72/eaincl $122.72 service feeFace Value: $220.25 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor A ● Floor  Row 2 | 2 tickets $482.00/ea$607.32/eaincl $125.32 service feeFace Value: $220.25 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor A ● Floor  Row 6 | 2-4 tickets $489.00/ea$616.14/eaincl $127.14 service feeFace Value: $220.25 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor C ● Floor  Row 8 | 2 tickets $493.00/ea$621.18/eaincl $128.18 service feeFace Value: $247.11 Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 118 ● Lower  Row 28 | 2 tickets $505.00/ea$636.30/eaincl $131.30 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor G ● Floor  Row 8 | 2 tickets $556.00/ea$700.56/eaincl $144.56 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 109 ● Lower  Row 28 | 2 tickets $556.00/ea$700.56/eaincl $144.56 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 118 ● Lower  Row 1 | 2 tickets $622.00/ea$783.72/eaincl $161.72 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 118 ● Lower  Row 19 | 3-3 tickets $644.00/ea$811.44/eaincl $167.44 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| FLRGA1  Row GA | 1 ticket $744.00/ea$937.44/eaincl $193.44 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Lower Level 109 ● Lower  Row 1 | 2 tickets $761.00/ea$958.86/eaincl $197.86 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| Floor C ● Floor  Row 5 | 1 ticket $1348.00/ea$1698.48/eaincl $350.48 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |
| FLRGA2  Row GA | 1 ticket $2306.00/ea$2905.56/eaincl $599.56 service feeFace Value: N/A Your seats are together unless otherwise noted. Note: Please note that you will need to use an iOS or Android mobile device to gain entry to your event. |